Stitch 'n Bitch-Melbourne Knitalong

Sunday, July 18, 2004

From Diana: I have made some good progress since my last "report" with the completion of the base and a bit over half of the sides. Made the transition to circulars, and had to go an buy another longer pair before I even finished the base! I'm now working on 6mm 120cm long addis. Progress has been a bit slow due to hectic schedule with work and a quick trip up to sydney, but as been assisted in the last few days by getting sick (I am marooned at home on the sofa with my knitting, unable to speak in more than a whisper).

I am now into the feature colour which is much more entertaining than knitting a plain colour. I have a lurking fear that the two yarns will felt at different slighly rates, as they do feel like slightly different thicknesses (my sample was only of the red colour), but I figure it will only be slight and a decent amount of stretching and blocking will pull it into shape. Anyway- my fears aren't strong enough to stop and felt a sample, or to rip it out. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it looks once felted!!

(with thanks to boyfriend with digital camera who kindly permits me to indulge in my obsession for knitting!)


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