Stitch 'n Bitch-Melbourne Knitalong

Friday, July 09, 2004

From Catherine:I bought four colours of Cosy Wool for mine: chocolate, red, olive and sage green. Then I decided to add in some red Elle (also Lincraft brand) mohair to the red Cosy Wool to add textural interest.

I really wanted to make it in random stripes, but don't trust my creative self to allow this to happen truly randomly. So I devised a recipe:

Four coloured pencils (brown, red, two shades of green)
One sheet quarter-inch graph paper
One dice
Two nieces, aged 9 and 11

I then instructed Emma and Meg (nieces) to roll the dice, and colour in that many rows in each colour, keeping the colour sequence constant (brown, red, dark green, light green).

Now I have a chart to carry around with me (much more portable than a dice), and will continue this sequence up into the handles, so that they are "fraternal" handles, rather than identical. I'm about 7 inches up the side; I think I'll try to make the bag a little deeper than the pattern suggests. I did the base on 5 x 5mm dpns, but I'm now on a circular needle.

This is so much fun, especially as these colours are not what I would usually choose for myself. Now that I'm into it, the scheme is making me think of an apple tree : )


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